Monday, 17 August 2009

Just a note, before I get tortured...

Right. School starts WAY too soon, for my taste. Ugh. The first few weeks are some of the worst. But, the worst thing about school is definitely, 100% the homework. Ugh. SO, right. What I need to say is how I'll be talking about my teachers. For example, my English teacher will be Mr. English. The Lit teacher will be Ms. Lit. Get the point? Oh, and Social Studies will be Mr. SS, or whoever we get. And Foreign Language will be Ms. FL, or who ever we get. Got it? Good. :-)

Cheerio, peeps!


  1. Torture. At least you have this to help you get through it! XD

  2. Yep. That was the point. Now I can rant about the teachers to a bunch of people who don't know them, but will most likely find them hilarious.



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