Like the books, not any of the movies.
I'll have the daisy and wildflower, "We're all mad here" and the Cheshire cat, white and black chess pieces, "Curiouser and curiouser", a mirror, a rabbit, and some other stuff. If you don't know what some of that has to do with A in W, then read the books!
And now... Slytherin House, Marauders' generation.
Surprisingly entertaining. Even though I previously (And still kind of do...) hate pretty much everyone, I really like it. It's making them seem like people!
My favorite is HBP (Snape) and Regulus Black, but I've always loved him (Well, ever since I figured out AT THE END OF BOOK 6 that Regulus had destroyed Voldy's horcrux, anyway. I'm smarter than the characters-I figured it out RIGHT when I saw the initials! *Smirk*). Regulus' post are really kind of cute. :-)
Cheerio, peeps!
P.S. Birthday in 10 days!
And I did pretty good in yesterday's audition. Keep you fingers crossed!! :-)
Happy birthday for then :)